
Case 1

Players: Cardio B and Marcelus
Synopsis: Three high school boys are found dead from three separate trips to the Fells. They have no visual wounds and the Department can sense that foul magic is afoot.

Case 1.1 – Thunder Brothers

Meet the detectives who have a second shot at life! Through mythical means, two souls have to pay their debts to the ones who revived them by solving problems within the city. But first, they go to the gym.

Case 1.2 – Flight and Fight

The team visits the morgue to further investigate their first case. Mars sells a car, Cardio jumps off a roof.

Case 1.3 – House Hunting

The crew investigates further by going to three different houses in the Boston area. Cardio talks to a homeless guy. Mars communicates in emojis

Case 1.4 – Jocks Jim Jack Joe

The boys go to school and try to be cool. Cardio slaps a cigarette. Mars plays football.

Case 1.5 – Enter the Vanpire

The crew interrupts a ritual, find out who’s behind all this, and fights a possessed van. Cardio has a heart to heart. Mars burns down the Fells.

Case 1.6 – Hug of Death

The final battle with Daddy Digit. Cardi and Mars face death. Someone gains something, and another one loses something.

Case 2.1 – Wolf and Blade

A murderer with a sword comes to town. Mars sniffs out trouble and ends up making a friend

Case 2.2 – Hollow Metal Alchemist

A murderer with a sword comes to town. Mars sniffs out trouble and ends up making a friend

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